Research and Measurement of Impact

We support and promote high-quality research that is culturally responsive and specific to the needs of wāhine/people, pēpi and whānau and that has potential to improve outcomes of preterm birth.
The Carosika Collaborative has identified priority research areas for which we have, or will, develop and support investigator groups. To date, the most significant of these is the Health Research Council/ Manatū Hauora funded Taonga Tuku Iho, Knowledge Translation for Equity in Preterm Birth Care and Outcomes in Aotearoa Project which supported:

  • An enablers and barriers study,
  • Research to identify high-quality clinical practice guidelines to inform Taonga Tuku Iho, our national best practice guide,
  • The development of a Carosika Core Outcome Set
  • The development of Carosika Metrics to measure future impact.

Our research page (under development) describes this and other research we support in more detail, as well as listing some priority research ideas.

We also support and consider endorsement of other investigator groups completing research relevant to preterm birth in Aotearoa. We are happy to be approached regarding this. Our support requires commitment to some core principles such as the inclusion of Māori, Pacific or Indian named investigators and/or consultation with these communities, inclusion of equity considerations and the use of positive framing in reporting.