Kaupapa - Our Purpose

Ko tā te Carosika Collaborative he tuitui i ngā kaupapa, he whakatuarā i ngā kōnekeneke hou e heke ai te pāpātangai o ngā whānautanga kokoti tau, e kaha ake ai ngā whakaritenga mō te whānautanga kokoti tau, e matatika ai hoki ngā putanga ki ngā pēpi kokoti tau ki Aotearoa katoa.

The Carosika Collaborative will coordinate initiatives and champion change that leads to a reduction in preterm birth, improved preparation for preterm birth and equitable outcomes for all pēpi that are born preterm in Aotearoa.

Whāinga - Our Vision

E matatika ai ngā putanga o te whānautanga kokoti tau i Aotearoa mā te heke o te pāpātanga, me te papai o te manaaki i te hunga whakawhānau pēpi kokoti tau.

Equity in preterm birth outcomes will be achieved in Aotearoa by lowering preterm birth rates and optimising preterm birth care.

Ō tātou uara - Our Values

Wahine, Whānau te pokapū – Woman/person, whānau centred
Te mahi tahi o nga kaihoko me ngā kaiwhakarota hauora - Collaboration of whānau and health providers
E arotahi ana ki te tika me ngā taunakitanga - Equity driven and evidence based
Te mahi tahi i runga i te tikanga aro ki ngā tikanga - Working together in a culturally responsive way
Hāpai i ā mātou mahi katoa i runga i te pono - Integrity and accountability in all we do