Matou te iloa o ‘āiga Asia ma Europa (Papalagi) e lē masani ona fananau mai a latou pepe e le‘i aulia le 37 vaiaso o le ma‘itaga nai lo o pepe mai ‘āiga Māori, Pasefika ma Initia, ma e sili atu le avanoa e ola ai a latou pepe pe ‘a vave fananau mai. O nei eseesega e lē tonu ma talafeagai.
Matou te finau lava ia fa‘aleleia atili le tausiga ma le lagolagoina o pepe e fananau vave mai i totonu o Niu Sila, ina ia mafai ona matou ausia taunu‘uga sili mo ‘āiga uma, e tusa lava poo ai i latou ma poo fea lava e nonofo ai.

ʻOku mau ʻilo ʻoku siʻisiʻi ange hono aʻusia ʻe he ngaahi fāmili ʻĒsiá mo e ʻIulopé ʻa e faʻēle taʻehokó, ʻi he ngaahi fāmili Māori, Pasifiká mo e ʻInitiá, pea ʻoku lahi ange e faingamālie ke moʻui ʻenau pēpeé ʻo kapau ʻe fanauʻi kimuʻa ‘aupito ʻi hono taimi totonú. ʻOku taʻetotonu mo ʻikai fakafiemālie ʻa e ngaahi faikehekehé ni. ʻOku mau tukupā ke fakatupulaki ʻa e tokangaekina ʻi he fāʻele taʻehokó mo e tokoní ʻi Nuʻu Sila kotoa, kae lava ke tau maʻu ʻa e ngaahi ola lelei taha ki he ngaahi fāmilí kotoa, ʻo tatau ai pē pe ko hai kinautolu pe ʻoku nau nofó ʻi fē.

Cook Island Māori
Kua kite tatou e kare e maata roa ana te au kopu tangata Āsia e te Europa e na roto ana i te anau pī me aka’aite ia ki te au kopu tangata Māori, te Pasifika e te Initia, e teitei ake te turanga e ka ora ta ratou pepe me anau pī. Kare teia au aka’aite'anga i te mea tau. Te umuumu nei matou i te akameitaki e te tauturu i te turanga o te anau pī no Aotearoa katoatoa kia rauka mai tetai turanga meitaki tikai no te au kopu tangata katoatoa noatu e koai ratou e te no'o ra ratou kiea.

We know that Asian and European families experience preterm birth less often than Māori, Pacific and Indian families, and that their babies are more likely to survive if born very early. These differences are unjust and unfair. We are committed to improving preterm birth care and support across New Zealand, so that we can achieve the best outcomes for all families, whoever they are and wherever they live.

Equity for all


Pacific Peoples whānau are more likely to experience preterm birth than some other ethnic population groups in Aotearoa. Our most recently reported (2021) national rate of preterm birth for Pacific whānau was 8.4% (and only 7.3% for European and 7.0% for Asian whānau). Pacific pēpi who are born very preterm (under 28 weeks) are less likely to survive than European or Asian pēpi.

These differences are not due to being Pacific Peoples, but are driven by systemic problems that affect Pacific whānau and impact on general health and wellbeing and access to consistent high-quality healthcare. They include the effects of colonisation and racism, income disparity, housing and food security, culture and language (non-English speaking or English as a second language). All of which may impact on opportunities to access care early in pregnancy, engage with care that meets cultural and wellbeing needs and feel welcome within the health service.

The Carosika Collaborative will not be able to overcome all the drivers of inequity in preterm birth care and outcomes, but we aim to focus our mahi on those groups most in need. Through our research it is clear that Pacific Peoples whānau experience significant racism and disrespect in our healthcare system. Care that is whānau centred and based on whanaungatanga and manaakitanga will better meet the needs of Pacific Peoples whānau.

List of commonly used words

Premature or preterm birth

Fanau lē au poo ua vave fanau pepe e le‘i o‘o i le masina fanau


Ma‘itaga/ To


Pepe o loo i le afuafu






Vailaau tui e fesoasoani ia malolosi ai māmā o pepe

Magnesium sulphate

Magnesium sulphate (vailaau e puipuia ai le fai‘ai o pepe a‘o le‘i fanau mai)

Uterus/ womb 




Cervical stitch

Togafitiga e su‘i tapuni le alafanau

In utero

Pepe o loo i totonu o le to‘alafanau

Amniotic fluid/ waters

Vai o le afuafu

Amniotic sac/ membranes


Placenta  Fanua o le pepe
Umbilical cord 

Uso/ pute


Fanau seela/ Taoto fa‘alava le pepe i le alafanau

Mucous plug/ show

Vavale o le to‘alafanau


Fafano (le pepe)

Preterm Premature Rupture of the Membranes (PPROM)

Ua Vave Pa le Vai ma masae le afuafu ae e le‘i atoa le 37 vaiaso o le ma‘itaga


Tigā fanau/ fa‘atigā fanau


Luluti tigā fanau

Induction of labour/ induced

Fa‘avave ona fa‘atigā fanau/ fa‘avave ona tigā fanau

Caesarean section

Taotoga fa‘afanau/ tipi




Foma‘i fa‘apitoa o le ma‘itaga ma le fa‘afanau


Foma‘i fa‘apitoa o tamaiti


Foma‘i fa‘apitoa o pepe i le fa‘atoā fanau mai

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU)

Fa‘alava o le falema‘i mo pepe mama‘i e manaomia tausiga fa‘apitoa


Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)

Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)

Fa‘alava o le falema‘i mo pepe e manaomia tausiga fa‘apitoa


Pusa tioata fa‘apitoa mo pepe ua vave fanau


Masini fa‘amanava okesene mo pepe


Fa‘ata e iloa ai totoga o le tino

Fetal growth restriction/ small for gestational age

Tapula‘a le tuputupu a‘e o pepe/ laitiiti pepe mo le matua e tatau ona iai


Toto maualuga a‘o ma‘itaga



Gestational diabetes

Ma‘isuka a‘o to






Samasama (le tino ma vaega papa‘e o mata)


Toto maualuga/ maualuga le fua o le toto

Premature or preterm birth Fāʻele taʻehoko
Pregnancy Feitama
Fetus Pēpē ʻi manava
Baby Pēpē
Mother Faʻē
Steroids Faitoʻo ʻoku ʻoange ki ha tokotaha kimuʻa ʻi he fāʻelé ke tokoni ke mālohi ʻa e maʻamaʻá ʻo e pēpeé
Magnesium sulphate Magnesium sulphate (Faitoʻo ʻoku ʻoange ki he fefiné kimuʻa ʻi he fāʻelé ke maluʻi e ʻuto ʻo e pēpeé)
Uterus/ womb  Taungafanaú
Cervix Halanga ki he taungafanaú
Cervical stitch Tuitui ʻo e taungafanaú
In utero ʻI loto ʻi he taungafanaú
Amniotic fluid/ waters Lanu
Amniotic sac/ membranes Fonuá
Placenta  Fonuá
Umbilical cord  Uhó
Breech  Haukivaʻe (Huʻukivaʻe)
Mucous plug/ show

Vai matolu ʻoku tafe ki tuʻa ʻi he ʻamanaki ke langaá

Miscarriage  Tama Tō
Preterm Premature Rupture of the Membranes (PPROM)  Pā e Lanú
Labour  Fāʻele
Contraction  Langā
Induction of labour/ induced


Caesarean section  Tafa
Midwife  Māʻuli
Obstetrician  Toketā Fāʻele
Paediatrician  Toketā ki he Kauleká
Neonatologist  Toketā ki he pēpeé hili hono fāʻeleʻí
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)  Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) [ʻIuniti ki he Pēpē ʻoku ʻi he Tuʻunga Fakatuʻutāmakí] 
Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)  Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)  [ʻIuniti Makehe ki hono Tokangaʻi e Pēpeé]
Incubator  ʻIngikiupeita
Ventilator  Venitileita
Ultrasound  Fakaʻata
Fetal growth restriction/ small for gestational age  Siʻisiʻi e tupu ʻa e pēpeé/siʻisiʻi hono lahí
Preeclampsia  Toto māʻolunga ʻi he feitamá
Diabetes  Suka
Gestational diabetes  Suka Feitama
Haemorrhage  Toto
Infection  Hū e siemu
Jaundice  Engeenga
Hypertension  Hypertension (Mālohi e tafe ʻa e totó ʻi he sinó.)
Premature or preterm birth ‘Ānau pi
Pregnancy Nui
Fetus ‘Akaero
Baby Pepe Varevare/Pepe Anau ou
Mother Mama Nui
Steroids Vairakau atemāmā
Magnesium sulphate Magnesium sulphate
Uterus/ womb  Vairanga Tamariki/Tōkara
Cervix Ngutu o te vairanga tamariki
Cervical stitch Tapiri'anga i te ngutu vairanga tamariki
In utero I roto i te vairanga tamariki
Amniotic fluid/ waters Ranu/vai tamariki
Amniotic sac/ membranes Ka'u


Umbilical cord  Pito
Breech Takauri te pēpē
Mucous plug/ show  Vai 'ika
Miscarriage  Topa te pēpē
Preterm Premature Rupture of the Membranes (PPROM)  Nga'a te vai tamariki
Labour  'Ānau
Contraction  Mamae 'ānau
Induction of labour/ induced  'Aka'ānau ki te vairakau
Caesarean section  Vā'i
Midwife  Ta'unga 'aka'ānau
Obstetrician  Taote no te Anau Tamariki/Taote no te Vaine Nui
Paediatrician  Taote no te Tamariki
Neonatologist  Taote Rapakau Pēpē
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)  Pi'a Rapakau Pēpē
Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)  Pi'a 'Ākono Pēpē
Incubator  Ro’I tāmā’ana’ana no te pēpē
Ventilator  Matīni 'aka'ea
Ultrasound  I'o kōpapa
Fetal growth restriction/ small for gestational age  Pēpē tupu ngatā
Preeclampsia  Toto kake i te tuatau e nui ra te vaine
Diabetes  Toto Vene
Gestational diabetes  Toto Vene i te tuatau e nui ra te vaine
Haemorrhage  Atekeria 
Infection  ‘Aka maki
Jaundice  Maki 'akarenga
Hypertension  Toto Kake