Rose Elder

Founding member

About Rose

Rose is an obstetrician and gynaecologist working in Wellington. Currently she is the clinical leader for Capital & Coast obstetrics at Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley District where she has an interest in diabetes in pregnancy. Currently co-chairing a guideline update for gestational diabetes. Rose has been a member of the Perinatal and Maternal Mortality review committee, PMMRC, since 2015, in recent years has been the deputy chair of the PMMRC committee. She was the chair of the Maternal Mortality Review Working Group (MMRWG), a working group that sits within PMMRC. Currently is a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the PMMR under the national mortality review committee (NMRC).

Steering Group


The Carosika Collaborative Steering Group is a transdisciplinary group of individuals passionate about preterm birth and achieving equity. The Group was established in 2020 and membership is by invitation aiming for inclusion of whānau and all other key stakeholder groups. The Steering Group provides direction, oversight, coordination and support to Carosika Collaborative initiatives and has been responsible for developing the Carosika Collaborative five-year Strategic Kete. The majority of members contribute their time in-kind. The Carosika Collaborative Steering Group Terms of Reference can be accessed here.


Katie Groom

Founding member, Chair and Co-leader for the Taonga Tuku Iho - Best Practice Guide
Read more about Katie Groom

Tina Allen-Mokaraka

Founding member and Deputy Chair

Read more about Tina Allen-Mokaraka

Lisa Dawes

Co-leader of Taonga Tuku Iho - Best Practice Guide
Read more about Lisa Dawes

Lynn Sadler

Founding member
Read more about Lynn Sadler

Judith McAra-Couper

Founding member
Read more about Judith McAra-Couper

Sue Tutty

Founding member
Read more about Sue Tutty

Past members

We acknowledge and thank past members of the Carosika Collaborative Steering Group including: Liza Edmonds, Rachel Friend, Oliviera Tavu’i, Claire MacDonald, Amanda Rouse, Victoria Roper, Lesley McCowan, Nimisha Waller, Beverly Te Huia and Jean Te Huia.

Carosika Staff

Helen Williams

Programme Manager
Read more about Helen Williams

Carosika Collaborative Whānau Awhina


The Carosika Collaborative is significantly strengthened by an engaged group of whānau with lived experience of preterm birth who work alongside the Steering Group.  This Group brings a strong and large voice to support those with lived experience who are members of the Steering Group and to contribute across all working groups and activities of the Collaborative.

Working Groups




Working groups have been established to support the Carosika Collaborative Steering Group and achieve success in delivering on the Strategic Kete and other activities undertaken and supported by the Collaborative. They cover activities that are ongoing, rather than discrete/specific pieces of mahi.

Membership of working groups is open (not restricted to Steering Group and Carosika Whānau Awhina members) with consideration of the need for specific skills, experience and attributes of members. There is opportunity to co-opt members for fixed periods of time/activities. Equity measures are reviewed against membership and participation of those with lived experience from Māori, Pacific, Indian and LGBTQIA+ communities is strongly encouraged and supported.

Working groups report back to the Steering Group at regular intervals.

Student Rōpū - The Student Rōpū was established to encourage and support Māori, Pacific and Indian midwifery and medical students to engage with the Carosika Collaborative. It meets at 1-3 monthly intervals on-line and has a student chairperson. Several members are co-opted to the Steering Group to provide opportunity to gain experience in governance roles. Student Rōpū members are encouraged to join other working groups and research projects.

Educational Events - Education is a key activity for the Collaborative to support and engage our broad audience including healthcare professionals and whānau. Educational events currently include symposia, workshops and webinars. The highlight of the year is an in-person Annual Education Day providing professional development and networking opportunity for healthcare professionals with the opportunity to partner and learn alongside those with lived experience of preterm birth. The Educational Events Working Group meets at a frequency dependent on activity (at least monthly on-line or via email communication).

Communications - The Communications Working Group has supported the development of the Carosika Collaborative website and will have ongoing oversight of website material and maintenance. It is also responsible for general communications including social media and other media opportunities. This group meets monthly on-line or via email communication with some additional activities as required.

Funding Advisory – This Group is responsible for the development and enactment of a funding plan to ensure future sustainability of the Collaborative. Opportunities considered include grants, contracts, sponsorship, philanthropy and service fees. This group meets monthly on-line or via email communication.

Carosika Metrics – The Carosika Metrics were established as a method to measure the impact of Taonga Tuku Iho, our national best practice guide, including addressing issues of equity. It has evolved and expanded, aiming to create a high-quality real-time national pregnancy and pēpi dataset relevant to preterm birth. This working group provides oversight of further development of this dataset and supports research and review using the data.

Please make contact with us if you would like to be considered for any of our Carosika Collaborative working groups.



Dr Katie Groom and Tina Allen-Mokoraka are founding members of the Carosika Collaborative and are the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Carosika Collaborative Steering Group.